Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Frugal is the new norm!

With gas prices exceeding $4.00, its times like these that make one to "trim the fat" on our budget.

I find it quite humorous that my neighbor hang drys his whitey tighties and other clothes for all to see. I now however see the importance of saving the extra money and will to dry my clothes on a clothes line this spring/summer season. However, I will not hang my underwear for all to see! ;)

Reading other peoples blogs has brought homemade Laundry Soap to my attention. We always buy the free and clear kind of liquid soap because I can't handle how harsh and strong the others can be. I often wondered how good it really works. If it is good enough for cloth diapers, its good enough for me! I will be making a batch come May.

I now only go into town 1 day during M-F. As hard as it may be, I need to combine my errands and do things wisely as gas prices soar. I often try to car pool as well.

Gardening, Weeding, and Canning. This is how my summer is going to consume me. There is nothing better than home grown food. I plan to have a big garden this year. Corn, beans, tomatoes, green peppers, hot peppers, onions, potatoes, pumpkins, cucumbers, zucchini, radishes, carrots and lettuce. I also have a grape vines, blackberries and raspberries bushes. I will make a lot of salsa, freeze corn and beans, can tomato sauce, potatoes, make pickles and zucchini bread. This along with our cow, pig and deer in the freezer should get us through the rest of the year and next winter on a small grocery bill. :)

I also now make our own bread in my bread machine. Rolls, pizza dough and more will be chugging along in that machine. Buying flour in bulk at Sams Club is cheap.

Instead of buying my Easter dress, I made one. It cost half of the price of a new one, and it was fun making it.

I cut Elden's hair instead of sending him the the barber shop and spending $20.00 each time. Remember, hair always grows back! ;)

In Fillmore Township, we are allowed to burn our trash. It saves money not having a Garbage Service.

I hope to find more ways to save money this year. Share some tips with me if you have any!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this post! I was actually making a list of all the things I am doing at home to save money when I clicked on your link. Here's my advice...don't wait to make your laundry soap! I made mine last night, it cost me $5 and I began using it today. I have a gallon of the store bought stuff downstairs that I'm saving for a rainy day - or an extra soiled load of laundry. You won't regret it. I also made my own dishwasher detergent out of the same ingredients. Score! Keep up the money saving work. Your husband will love it!
